Earnest thank you for sharing the information you have. It is appreciated.
Regarding the cross and crown symbol it is a Knight Templar symbol. They do have connections going back to the Crusades and their other symbol is the double cross. Certainly Watchtower double crosses Christians with their false teachings.
From the time that the 'Jews' who were not Jews in the way Peter and Paul were Jews, lost Israel/Jerusalem, there has been a desire on their part to get back that which the God of Abraham removed from them. This connects in some ways to both the Crusades and the Knights Templars. Also as far as I understand, the establishment of Mohammedanism. That religion sprang out of nowhere historically, but references certain aspects of Jewish history.
Part of Mohammedanism is Sufism. Theo Sufism was set up by Madam Blavatsky in the late 1800. All Watchtower's false doctrines have their roots in Theo Sufism. You even see the same winged symbol with a circle in it on the front of some of their literature.